Do you want to be part of the solution?

The Traditions and Concepts say the groups should provide input into decisions that affect us all. The decisions that got us here were made without our knowledge, input, or consent. The decisions being made now are being made without our knowledge, input, or consent. I did not choose to be involved when everything was going well.

Why, then, should I expect to be included in the discussion now?

Did the groups question the budget when the World Service Office (WSO) moved into this rental location? Did the groups question the expenditure when additional staff were hired more than five years ago? Did the groups question the decisions that led us to be dependent on the sale of printed literature?

The decision made in 2020 to postpone the World Service Conference (WSC) caused concern, but the groups allowed that boundary to be crossed. There were efforts to allow a free and open discussion about the future of Nar-Anon during the 2021 WSC, but we allowed the rules of the WSC to be misused to block that conversation. Yes, the rules of the WSC allow members to ask for time for open discussion. We did not react when that boundary was crossed and conversation was blocked.

Our Traditions and Concepts say decisions are made by the groups. Allowing a few to decide how our money is spent, when we are allowed to conference, and what we are allowed to discuss, does not align with our Traditions and Concepts.

There is an alternative. Al-Anon, Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and other Twelve Step fellowships have already made significant changes in the way their fellowships make decisions. They use a group conscience - just like our Traditions and Concepts say we should.

Perhaps this crisis will be the catalyst that helps Nar-Anon learn to use Consensus Based Decision Making (CBDM). Rather than insisting we want veto power when things go wrong, CBDM asks us to be involved all the time. The conversion to CBDM started in NA when one region switched. It took hold at the NA world level when enough regions came together to say CBDM allowed them to hear and express the concerns of their groups.

Reference Materials

Is your region interested in giving CBDM a try? If so, consider some of the reference materials listed below. One region is already experimenting with CBDM. If enough regions agree, then we will not be caught by surprise in the next crisis. We still might go through tough times, but we will be included in the discussion before, during, and after.

NA CBDM Basics

Al-Anon Knowledge-Based Decision-Making Quick Reference

Al-Anon How is KBDM different from Robert's Rules

Al-Anon KBDM at the Assembly

Narcotics Anonymous is now using CBDM in their World Service Conference and has stopped using Robert’s Rules. Look in their 2020-2022 Guide to World Services starting on page 9 for the process they now use

Madden Practical Guide for CBDM

Caroline Estes on Consensus

NA Georgia Region Comparison

Nar-Anon Mission Statement ©

“The Nar-Anon Family Groups are a worldwide fellowship for those affected by someone else’s addiction. As a twelve-step program, we offer our help by sharing our experience, strength, and hope.”

Do we use our resources with a focus on completing our mission?

Nar-Anon Vision Statement ©

We will carry the message of hope throughout the world to those affected by the addiction of someone near to them. We will do this by:

  • Letting them know they are no longer alone.

  • Practicing the Twelve Steps of Nar-Anon.

  • Encouraging growth through service.

  • Making information available through outreach encompassing public information, hospitals, institutions, and websites.

  • Changing our own attitudes.

Are our decisions in alignment with our Mission and Vision Statements?

Tradition Two ©

“For our group purposes there is but one authority -- a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants -- they do not govern.”

Are we using the group conscience process to seek Higher Power’s will?

Concept Two ©

The final responsibility and authority for Nar-Anon services rests with the Nar-Anon Family Groups.”

Has the voice of the groups been heard?