Readings on Consensus

Author; Year; Title; Publisher; ISBN or Link

Al-Anon; 2023; Knowledge Based Decision Making; Al-Anon Family Groups;

Al-Anon; 2019; KBDM at the Assembly; Al-Anon Family Groups;

Al-Anon; 2021; Knowledge-Based Decision-Making Quick Reference; Al-Anon Family Groups;

Al-Anon; 2022; How is KBDM different than Robert’s Rules of Order?; Al-Anon Family Groups;

Alcoholics Anonymous; 2002; Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions; Alcoholics Anonymous; 978-0916856014

Alcoholics Anonymous; 2014; Twelve Concepts for World Service, Illustrated; Alcoholics Anonymous World Services;

Benson, C. Irving; 1936; The Eight Points of the Oxford Group; Benson Press; B00AHG3PHC

Big Book Sponsorship; 2017; Tradition Two: Group Conscience or Mob Rule?;;

Buber, Martin (author) and Smith, Ronald (translator); 2000; I and Thou; Scribner; 74-3201337

Consensus Council, Inc.; unknown; Consensus-Based Decision-Making Processes; Consensus Council, Inc.;

D, Ottis; 2005; Informed Group Conscience; Alcoholics Anonymous, Area 57 (Oklahoma);'s/Informed-Group-Conscience.pdf (link is broken)

Dressler, Larry; 2006; Consensus through conversations: How to achieve high-commitment decisions; Berrett-Koehler Publishers; B005LY2FBC

Estes, Caronline; 1984; Consensus; Context Institute;

Greenleaf, Robert K. and Spears, Larry C.; 2002; Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness 25th Anniversary Edition; Paulist Press; 978-0809105540

Isaacs, William; 1999; Dialogue: The Art Of Thinking Together; Currency; 385-479999

Kramer, Kenneth Paul with Gawlick, Mechthild; 2004; Martin Buber’s I and Thou, Practicing Living Dialogue; Paulist Press; 809-141582

Madden, James; 2017; A Practical Guide for Consensus-Based Decision Making; James Madden;

Morley, Barry; 2015; Beyond Consensus: Salvaging Sense of the Meeting; Pendle Hill; B00WRFRH1G

NA Georgia Region; 2021; Roberts Rules versus Consensus Based Decision Making; NA Georgia Region;

Nar-Anon; 2014; Group Conscience and Business Meetings; Nar-Anon Family Groups Headquarters, Inc.;

Narcotics Anonymous; ; CBDM Basics; Narcotics Anonymous;

Narcotics Anonymous; 1989; History and development of the Twelve Principles of Service for Narcotics Anonymous; Narcotics Anonymous;

Narcotics Anonymous; 1992; Twelve Concepts for NA Service; Narcotics Anonymous;

Narcotics Anonymous; 2016; Guiding Principles; Narcotics Anonymous; 978-1-63380-085-4

Narcotics Anonymous; 2020; Guide to World Services in Narcotics Anonymous; Narcotics Anonymous; (A description of how NA uses Consensus to organize their WSC begins on page 9.)

O'Brien, Kevin O.; 2003; Some thoughts on consensus government in Nunavut; Canadian Parliamentary Review; Vol 26, no 4;

Schuman, Sandor P.; 1996; Reaching Consensus on Consensus; Executive Decision Services;

Seeds for Change Lancaster Co-operative ltd, Max Hertzberg , et al.; 2016; A Consensus Handbook: Consensus decision making for activists, co-ops and communities; Amazon Digital Services, Inc.; 957587104

W., Bill; 1965; Our responsibility to AA's future; Alcoholics Anonymous World Services;

W., Bill; 2011; The Language Of The Heart - Bill W.'s Grapevine Writings; AA Grapevine, Inc.; B006C1HGJY

W., Bill; 2015; A.A. Service Manual, combined with Twelve Concepts for World Service; Alcoholics Anonymous World Services;