expectations about fiction

A big, long anticipated movie was released to theaters this week. I had planned to go see it, but the distribution company released a medical alert warning this film included flashing strobe-like scenes. I do not have the specific medical condition they were concerned about, but I have had troubles before with strobes. Therefore I avoid them, which meant I chose to not go see this film. I was disappointed.

My expectation was for them to make this film accessible to all. They did not. Oh well, I will get over my disappointment. Afterall, it is just fiction.

However, I am still fascinated with the film, so I have been reading reviews. It is amazing how disappointed many fans are with the film. They are writing reviews and posting blogs about how this bit of fiction did not go as they expected.

I wonder how many of those same fans and critics have looked at the political situation in our current reality and written blogs or opinion articles about how disappointed they are with our reality?

What if we put as much effort into trying to fix reality as we do into trying to fix fiction?