long gap

Once I finally wrapped up the ebook which I recently published, I looked around and realized I had been neglecting just about everything else for several years. I neglected my blog because I felt overwhelmed with all those tasks. I also got depressed.

I have been going through boxes which had just been sitting unopened for several years. I follow a simple process. If I have not used something in a year, then I should probably give it to charity. If I have not used something in more than three years, then it might be time to put it in the trash. Even charity shops have standards for what is acceptable.

I get into decision fatigue evaluating every single item to decide if I want to keep it one more year, give it away, or discard it. I also get emotionally involved in sentimental items. For example, I found a box of treasures from when I was a child. Some I gave to relatives so their children can enjoy. Some I gave to charity. Some I discarded. This was a very emotional process.

When camping, there is a saying - “leave no trace.” In other words, leave the campground and trail as clean or cleaner than it was when you got there. I think the same applies to life. Why should I have boxes of stuff sitting here which someone else will need to go through when I pass? I think it is better to clean up after myself. I think it is better to “leave no trace” both camping, and in my closet.