Twelve thoughts regarding consensus

We begin by surrendering our personal egos and seek only the will of our higher power.

We believe our higher power desires the best for our group, service, and fellowship.

We turn-over our self-will to the guidance we receive from our higher power.

We examine our self and our motives without taking the inventory of those around us.

We use honesty in all of our conversations by saying what we mean and meaning what we say.

We either trust the outcome as a valid expression of higher power’s will, or we clearly say why we doubt.

We humbly support the group even if the final decision is not what we had first suggested.

We act with integrity to do what we have agreed to do and do not try to subvert the agreement.

We take responsibility for our part in the consensus and do not blame others if problems arise.

We strive to complete the goal, understanding that we might need to change our plans as we proceed.

We focus on the primary purpose - which is to help new members find their place in this program.

We practice these principles in all aspects of our lives.