I have a couple more books I want to finish reading. They are relevant research for the book I am now writing. I already know what to expect in each. I could just set them aside and write the final section of my book. Yet, I have these nagging doubts. I think this is my insecurity. Or perhaps this is my perfectionism.
I am trying to just let go. Set them aside, Finish the draft of this final section. Then, I can come back later and finish reading. But there are these nagging doubts. What if one of these books contains an absolutely perfect quote to emphasize a point I want to make? Well - what if they don’t?
It is a struggle. For now I compromise. I write in the morning. I read in the afternoon. Perhaps once the heat wave ends I will go back to writing in both the morning and afternoon. Perhaps I should accept the heat wave as an indication of my powerlessness, and adapt my schedule to fit.