how we store knowledge - part 3

The benefit of collaborative efforts is that we pool our perspectives. No two people know exactly the same thing. No two people have the same interpretive filters. We benefit from committees and teams because we increase our diversity - our ability to see different perspectives.

Where then, is the knowledge of a team stored? We can try to turn it into repeatable procedures. We can try to train artificial intelligence to reproduce optimal results. But there is something more.

People support a cloud of knowledge. The knowledge is external to each of us. However, when we come together, we each access that cloud. I know not only what I learned, I also have the ability to take the perspective of my companions.

Humanity is the repository for a vast collection of data, information, knowledge, and even wisdom. None of us possess all of it. Each of us possess only a tiny volume. Yet, collectively, we support this vast web of wisdom.