selling books

I watched a knowledgeable expert on the news talking about the solution to our economic problems. He outlined the history of how we got here. He described the symptoms. He gave his opinion on the underlying issues. Then he allowed the audience to ask questions. The first question was simple - “What do you recommend we do about this.” His answer was equally simple - “I’m not going to tell you that because then you won’t buy my book.”

There is a clinic that says they have found the cure for addiction. An acquaintance of mine solicits responses from trained professionals and then files complaints against the clinic. His point is simple - either the claim is fraudulent, or the knowledge is too valuable to keep secret.

Patent laws and copyright laws are designed to help inventors and authors profit from their work. However, in order to claim protection under those laws, the designs and documents must be put into the public record so that others can review them, file counterclaims, and reproduce them once the time limit expires. The point of those laws was to find a balance between private gain and public benefit.

While I still admire what I hear said by that economists and appreciate what little I know about the alleged cure, I believe both are trying to shift the balance too far toward private gain. They do not seem to be striving for the public good.