I am working on a section in my latest book regarding consensus. I am trying to ensure this book is useful in helping people learn how to use consensus. Toward that goal, I am incorporating a bunch of stories about how I have seen consensus used, misused, or misunderstood. I have the educational goals already defined, now I am trying to remember stories that fit each goal.
This is in many ways like a step four or step eight exercise. While searching my memories for interesting stories, I continual encounter buried resentments. I have resentments about people not doing what I expected. I have resentments about my own part in situations that did not work out as well as I wished.
In years past I would probably have regretted encountering these resentments. Now, I look at each memory as an opportunity to explore my part in the situation. I have the opportunity to examine each situation and forgive those I thought wronged me. I have the opportunity to accept ownership of my part in each situation.
I hope I run out of resentments, buried resentments, and unrecognized resentments before I run out of places to use each.
This is good step four and step eight work. It also helps me realize I have not been using step ten as thoroughly as I thought I was. Well, that gives me room for improvement. Even realizing I have under utilized step ten is just another step ten issue that I can work.