environmental influences

In the 1970’s Bronfenbrenner wrote about the influence our environment has on our social behaviors. Lately my social environment has started feeling more hostile. The homeless person was inconsiderate, until I talked with him and set a rule that he had to keep the place looking nice. One of my neighbors came over my fence to get into an argument with the homeless person, but both were gone before I could get out the door. One of my neighbors was going around killing the stray cats, until finally someone saw him and threatened to report him if it continued. The landscape crew scooped up the tiny bit of lawn I had growing and hauled away the grass - roots and all - along with my topsoil. Then, last night, someone threw a firecracker over the fence and nearly hit me. My ears were ringing and I saw spots in front of my eyes for about an hour. Fortunately I had just gotten off my motorcycle and was still wearing my helmet.

It would be easy to get discouraged.

Instead I went out today and bought some mandevilla shrubs. I might not have a lawn, but I am not going to just stare at this rocky patch of ground. I am going to improve my environment, which will help improve my disposition, and might influence my neighbors.

These shrubs will brighten my space, give the cats someplace to hide, and discourage people from trying to sleep on my lawn. Now I just need patience for them to take root and grow. I will give it some time. Then, if these two do not fill in the empty space I will buy a couple more.

Bronfenbrenner, Urie;1977;Toward an Experimental Ecology of Human Development;American Psychologist;pages 513-531.Bronfenbrenner, Urie;1979;The Ecology of Human Development;Harvard University Press;0-674-22457-4.Bronfenbrenner, Urie;1986;Ecology of the Family as a Context for Human Development: Research Perspectives;Developmental Psychology;Vol. 22, No. 6, pages 723-742.